Source code for batman.driver

# coding: utf8
Driver Class

Defines all methods used to interact with other classes.



    >> from batman import Driver
    >> driver = Driver(settings, script_path, output_path)
    >> driver.sampling_pod(update=False)
    >> driver.write_pod()
    >> driver.prediction(write=True)
    >> driver.write_model()
    >> driver.uq()
    >> driver.visualization()

import logging
import os
import pickle
from copy import copy
from concurrent import futures
import numpy as np
import sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels as kernels
from .pod import Pod
from .space import (Space, dists_to_ot)
from .surrogate import SurrogateModel
from .tasks import (SnapshotIO, ProviderPlugin, ProviderFile)
from .uq import UQ
from .visualization import (response_surface, Kiviat3D)
from .functions.utils import multi_eval

[docs]class Driver(object): """Driver class.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Structure of the output directory fname_tree = { 'snapshots': 'snapshots', 'space': 'space.dat', 'data': 'data.dat', 'pod': 'surrogate/pod', 'surrogate': 'surrogate', 'predictions': 'predictions', 'uq': 'uq', 'visualization': 'visualization', } # Data provider for snapshots provider_class = { 'plugin': ProviderPlugin, 'file': ProviderFile, }
[docs] def __init__(self, settings, fname): """Initialize Driver. From settings, init snapshot, space [POD, surrogate]. :param dict settings: settings. :param str fname: output folder path. """ self.settings = settings self.fname = fname try: os.makedirs(self.fname) except OSError: pass # directory exists already # Space if 'resampling' in self.settings['space']: resamp_size = self.settings['space']['resampling']['resamp_size'] else: resamp_size = 0 if 'init_size' in self.settings['space']['sampling']: init_size = self.settings['space']['sampling']['init_size'] else: # when providing DoE as a list init_size = self.settings['space']['sampling'] try: duplicate = self.settings['space']['sampling']['method'] == 'saltelli' except (KeyError, TypeError): duplicate = False = Space(self.settings['space']['corners'], init_size, nrefine=resamp_size, plabels=self.settings['snapshot']['plabels'], duplicate=duplicate) # Asynchronous job manager self.async_pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.settings['snapshot']['max_workers']) # Snapshot Management args = settings['snapshot'].get('io', {}) self.snapshot_io = SnapshotIO(parameter_names=settings['snapshot']['plabels'], feature_names=settings['snapshot']['flabels'], **args) provider_type = settings['snapshot']['provider']['type']'Select data provider type "{}"'.format(provider_type)) self.provider = self.provider_class[provider_type]( self.async_pool, self.snapshot_io, settings['snapshot']['provider']) self.snapshot_counter = 0 # Sampling initialisation self.to_compute_points = copy(self.provider.known_points) if self.to_compute_points: # use points that were automatically discovered by the provider for point in self.to_compute_points: += point else: # generate points according to settings space_provider = self.settings['space']['sampling'] if isinstance(space_provider, list): # a list of points is provided'Reading list of points from the settings.') self.to_compute_points = space_provider += space_provider elif isinstance(space_provider, dict): # use sampling method distributions = space_provider.get('distributions') discrete = self.settings['space']['sampling'].get('discrete') self.to_compute_points = space_provider['init_size'], space_provider['method'], distributions, discrete) else: self.logger.error('Bad space provider.') raise SystemError # Pod if 'pod' in self.settings: settings_ = {'tolerance': self.settings['pod']['tolerance'], 'dim_max': self.settings['pod']['dim_max'], 'corners': self.settings['space']['corners'], 'nsample':, 'nrefine': resamp_size} self.pod = Pod(**settings_) = duplicate else: self.pod = None'No POD is computed.') = None # Surrogate model if 'surrogate' in self.settings: settings_ = {} if self.settings['surrogate']['method'] == 'pc': dists = self.settings['space']['sampling']['distributions'] dists = dists_to_ot(dists) settings_ = {'strategy': self.settings['surrogate']['strategy'], 'degree': self.settings['surrogate']['degree'], 'distributions': dists, 'sample':[:]} elif self.settings['surrogate']['method'] == 'evofusion': settings_ = {'cost_ratio': self.settings['surrogate']['cost_ratio'], 'grand_cost': self.settings['surrogate']['grand_cost']} elif self.settings['surrogate']['method'] == 'kriging': if 'kernel' in self.settings['surrogate']: kernel = self.settings['surrogate']['kernel'] try: kernel = eval(kernel, {'__builtins__': None}, kernels.__dict__) except (TypeError, AttributeError): self.logger.error('Scikit-Learn kernel unknown.') raise SystemError settings_ = {'kernel': kernel} settings_.update({ 'noise': self.settings['surrogate'].get('noise', False), 'global_optimizer': self.settings['surrogate'].get('global_optimizer', True) }) self.surrogate = SurrogateModel(self.settings['surrogate']['method'], self.settings['space']['corners'], **settings_) if self.settings['surrogate']['method'] == 'pc': sample = self.surrogate.predictor.sample += sample if not self.provider.known_points: self.to_compute_points = sample[:len(] else: self.surrogate = None'No surrogate is computed.')
[docs] def sampling(self, points=None, update=False): """Create snapshots. Generates or retrieve the snapshots [and then perform the POD]. :param :class:`Space` points: points to perform the sample from. :param bool update: perform dynamic or static computation. """ if points is None: points = self.to_compute_points # Generate snapshots if isinstance(points, dict): snapshot_points = points.items() else: snapshot_root = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['snapshots']) snapshot_points = [(point, os.path.join(snapshot_root, str(i + self.snapshot_counter))) for i, point in enumerate(points)] snapshots = [self.provider.snapshot(p, d) for p, d in snapshot_points] self.snapshot_counter += len(snapshots) # Fit the Surrogate [and POD] if self.pod is not None: if update: [self.pod.update(snapshot) for snapshot in snapshots] else: self.pod.decompose(snapshots) = self.pod.VS() points = else: if snapshots: snapdata = np.vstack([ for snap in snapshots]) if update: snapdata = np.vstack([, snapdata]) if len(snapdata) != len( # no resampling snapdata = for snapshot in snapshots: += snapshot.point snapdata = np.vstack([snapdata,]) = snapdata points = try: # if surrogate,, pod=self.pod) except AttributeError:
[docs] def resampling(self): """Resampling of the parameter space. Generate new samples if quality and number of sample are not satisfied. From a new sample, it re-generates the POD. """"\n----- Resampling parameter space -----") method = self.settings['space']['resampling']['method'] extremum = self.settings['space']['resampling'].get('extremum') hybrid = self.settings['space']['resampling'].get('hybrid') discrete = self.settings['space']['sampling'].get('discrete') delta_space = self.settings['space']['resampling'].get('delta_space', 0.08) q2_criteria = self.settings['space']['resampling'].get('q2_criteria') pdf = self.settings.get('uq', {}).get('pdf') while len( <"-> New iteration") if (method != 'optimization') and (q2_criteria is not None): quality, point_loo = self.surrogate.estimate_quality() if quality >= q2_criteria: break else: point_loo = None new_point =, method, point_loo=point_loo, delta_space=delta_space, dists=pdf, hybrid=hybrid, discrete=discrete, extremum=extremum) try: self.sampling(new_point, update=True) except ValueError: break if method == 'optimization':
[docs] def write(self): """Write Surrogate [and POD] to disk.""" if self.surrogate is not None: path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['surrogate']) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass self.surrogate.write(path) else: path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['space']) if self.pod is not None: path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['pod']) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass self.pod.write(path) elif (self.pod is None) and (self.surrogate is None): path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['data']) with open(path, 'wb') as fdata: pickler = pickle.Pickler(fdata) pickler.dump(
self.logger.debug('Wrote data to {}'.format(path))
[docs] def read(self): """Read Surrogate [and POD] from disk.""" if self.surrogate is not None:, self.fname_tree['surrogate']))[:] =[:] = else: path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['space']) if self.pod is not None:, self.fname_tree['pod'])) self.surrogate.pod = self.pod elif (self.pod is None) and (self.surrogate is None): path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['data']) with open(path, 'rb') as fdata: unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(fdata) = unpickler.load()
self.logger.debug('Data read from {}'.format(path))
[docs] def restart(self): """Restart process.""" # Surrogate [and POD] has already been computed'Restarting from previous computation...') to_compute_points =[:] # Reset space with actual computations self.snapshot_counter = len( if self.snapshot_counter < len(to_compute_points): # will add new points to be processed # [static or dynamic pod is finished] self.to_compute_points = [p for p in to_compute_points if p not in] else: # automatic resampling has to continue from # the processed points
self.to_compute_points = []
[docs] def prediction(self, points, write=False): """Perform a prediction. :param points: point(s) to predict. :type points: :class:`space.point.Point` or array_like (n_samples, n_features). :param bool write: whether to write snapshots. :return: Result. :rtype: array_like (n_samples, n_features). :return: Standard deviation. :rtype: array_like (n_samples, n_features). """ results, sigma = self.surrogate(points) if write: root_path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['predictions']) try: points[0][0] except TypeError: points = [points] for i, (data, point) in enumerate(zip(results, points)): path = os.path.join(root_path, 'Newsnap{}'.format(i)) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass self.snapshot_io.write_point(path, point) self.snapshot_io.write_data(path, data)
return results, sigma
[docs] def uq(self): """Perform UQ analysis.""" args = {} args['fname'] = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['uq']) args['space'] = args['indices'] = self.settings['uq']['type'] args['plabels'] = self.settings['snapshot']['plabels'] args['dists'] = self.settings['uq']['pdf'] args['nsample'] = self.settings['uq']['sample'] if self.pod is not None: args['data'] = self.pod.mean_snapshot +, else: args['data'] = args['test'] = self.settings['uq'].get('test') args['xdata'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('xdata') args['xlabel'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('xlabel') args['flabel'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('flabel') analyse = UQ(self.surrogate, **args) if self.surrogate is None: self.logger.warning("No surrogate model, be sure to have a " "statistically significant sample to trust " "following results.") analyse.sobol()
[docs] def visualization(self): """Apply visualisation options.""" p_len = len(self.settings['space']['corners'][0]) # In case of POD, data need to be converted from modes to snapshots. if self.pod is not None: data = self.pod.mean_snapshot +, else: data = output_len = np.asarray(data).shape[1]'Creating response surface...') args = {} if 'visualization' in self.settings: # xdata for output with dim > 1 if ('xdata' in self.settings['visualization']) and (output_len > 1): args['xdata'] = self.settings['visualization']['xdata'] elif output_len > 1: args['xdata'] = np.linspace(0, 1, output_len) # Plot Doe if doe option is True if ('doe' in self.settings['visualization']) and\ self.settings['visualization']['doe']: args['doe'] = # Display resampling if resampling option is true if ('resampling' in self.settings['visualization']) and\ self.settings['visualization']['resampling']: args['resampling'] = self.settings['space']['resampling']['resamp_size'] else: args['resampling'] = 0 args['ticks_nbr'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('ticks_nbr', 10) args['contours'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('contours') args['range_cbar'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('range_cbar') args['axis_disc'] = self.settings.get('visualization', {}).get('axis_disc') else: args['xdata'] = np.linspace(0, 1, output_len) if output_len > 1 else None try: args['bounds'] = self.settings['visualization']['bounds'] for i, _ in enumerate(args['bounds'][0]): if (args['bounds'][0][i] < self.settings['space']['corners'][0][i])\ or (args['bounds'][1][i] > self.settings['space']['corners'][1][i]): args['bounds'] = self.settings['space']['corners'] self.logger.warning("Specified bounds for visualisation are " "wider than space corners. Default value used.") except KeyError: args['bounds'] = self.settings['space']['corners'] # Data based on surrogate model (function) or not if 'surrogate' in self.settings: args['fun'] = self.func else: args['sample'] = args['data'] = data try: args['plabels'] = self.settings['visualization']['plabels'] except KeyError: args['plabels'] = self.settings['snapshot']['plabels'] if len(self.settings['snapshot']['flabels']) < 2: try: args['flabel'] = self.settings['visualization']['flabel'] except KeyError: args['flabel'] = self.settings['snapshot']['flabels'][0] path = os.path.join(self.fname, self.fname_tree['visualization']) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass if p_len < 5: # Creation of the response surface(s) args['fname'] = os.path.join(path, 'Response_Surface') response_surface(**args) else: # Creation of the Kiviat image args['fname'] = os.path.join(path, 'Kiviat.pdf') args['sample'] = args['data'] = data if 'range_cbar' not in args: args['range_cbar'] = None if 'ticks_nbr' not in args: args['ticks_nbr'] = 10 if 'kiviat_fill' not in args: args['kiviat_fill'] = True kiviat = Kiviat3D(args['sample'], args['bounds'], args['data'], plabels=args['plabels'], range_cbar=args['range_cbar']) kiviat.plot(fname=args['fname'], flabel=args['flabel'], ticks_nbr=args['ticks_nbr'], fill=args['kiviat_fill']) # Creation of the Kiviat movie: args['fname'] = os.path.join(path, 'Kiviat.mp4') rate = 400 kiviat.f_hops(frame_rate=rate, fname=args['fname'], flabel=args['flabel'], fill=args['kiviat_fill'],
ticks_nbr=args['ticks_nbr']) @multi_eval def func(self, coords): """Evaluate the surrogate at a given point. This function calls the surrogate to compute a prediction. :param lst coords: The parameters set to calculate the solution from. :return: The fonction evaluation. :rtype: float. """ f_eval, _ = self.surrogate(coords)
return f_eval[0]