Source code for batman.misc.misc

# coding: utf8
"""Misc functions.

Implements functions:

- :func:`misc.clean_path`,
- :func:`misc.check_yes_no`,
- :func:`misc.ask_path`,
- :func:`misc.abs_path`,
- :func:`misc.import_config`,
- :class:`misc.ProgressBar`

import os
import sys
import logging
import re
import json
import time
import jsonschema
import numpy as np
from pathos.multiprocessing import cpu_count
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from .nested_pool import NestedPool

[docs]def clean_path(path): """Return an absolute and normalized path."""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path))
[docs]def check_yes_no(prompt, default): """Ask user for delete confirmation. :param str prompt: yes-no question :param str default: default value :returns: true if yes :rtype: boolean """ logger = logging.getLogger('User checking') while True: try: try: value = raw_input(prompt) # safe python 2 except NameError: value = input(prompt) except ValueError: logger.error("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") continue value = value.lower() if not all(x in 'yesno ' for x in value.lower()): logger.error('Sorry, your response must be yes, or no.') continue elif value == '': value = default break else: break answer = True if value.strip()[0] == 'y' else False
return answer
[docs]def ask_path(prompt, default, root): """Ask user for a folder path. :param str prompt: Ask. :param str default: default value. :param str root: root path. :returns: path if folder exists. :rtype: str. """ logger = logging.getLogger('User checking') while True: try: try: path = raw_input(prompt) except NameError: path = input(prompt) except ValueError: logger.error("Sorry, I didn't understand that.") continue if path == '': path = default if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, path)): logger.error("Output folder not found: {}".format(path)) continue else: break
return path
[docs]def abs_path(value): """Get absolute path."""
return os.path.abspath(value)
[docs]def import_config(path_config, path_schema): """Import a configuration file.""" logger = logging.getLogger('Settings Validation') def minify_comments(file, **kwargs): """Minify comments in JSON file. Deserialize `file` to a Python object using `commentjson <>`_ package. :param file: serialized JSON string with or without comments. :param kwargs: all the arguments that `json.loads < 2/library/json.html#json.loads>`_ accepts. :raises: Parsing Exception from ``json.loads``. :returns: dict or list. """ file ='utf8') regex = r'\s*(#|\/{2}).*$' regex_inline = r'(:?(?:\s)*([A-Za-z\d\.{}]*)|((?<=\").*\"),?)(?:\s)*(((#|(\/{2})).*)|)$' lines = file.split('\n') for index, line in enumerate(lines): if, line): if'^' + regex, line, re.IGNORECASE): lines[index] = "" elif, line): lines[index] = re.sub(regex_inline, r'\1', line) try: return json.loads('\n'.join(lines), encoding="utf-8", **kwargs) except Exception as tb: logger.exception("JSON error, cannot load configuration file: {}" .format(tb)) raise SyntaxError with open(path_config, 'rb') as file: settings = minify_comments(file) with open(path_schema, 'rb') as file: schema = json.loads('utf8')) error = False try: validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema) for error in sorted(validator.iter_errors(settings), key=str): logger.error("Error: {}\n-> Origin: {}\n-> Schema: {}" .format(error.message, error.path, json.dumps(error.schema, indent=1))) error = True except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: logger.exception(e.message) if not error:'Settings successfully imported and checked') else: logger.error('Error were found in configuration file: JSON syntax...') raise SyntaxError
return settings
[docs]class ProgressBar(object): """Print progress bar in console."""
[docs] def __init__(self, total): """Create a bar. :param int total: number of iterations """ = total self.calls = 1 self.progress = 0. sys.stdout.write("Progress | " + " " * 50 + " |" + "0.0% ")
self.init_time = time.time()
[docs] def __call__(self): """Update bar.""" self.progress = (self.calls) / float( * 100 eta, vel = self.compute_eta() self.show_progress(eta, vel)
self.calls += 1
[docs] def compute_eta(self): """Compute ETA. Compare current time with init_time. :return: eta, vel :rtype: str """ end_time = time.time() iter_time = (end_time - self.init_time) / self.calls eta = ( - self.calls) * iter_time eta = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(eta)) vel = str(1. / iter_time)
return eta, vel
[docs] def show_progress(self, eta=None, vel=None): """Print bar and ETA if relevant. :param str eta: ETA in H:M:S :param str vel: iteration/second """ p_bar = int(np.floor(self.progress / 2)) sys.stdout.write("\rProgress | " + "-" * (p_bar - 1) + "~" + " " * (50 - p_bar - 1) + " |" + str(self.progress) + "% ") if self.progress == 100: sys.stdout.write('\n') del self elif eta and vel: sys.stdout.write("| ETA: " + eta + " (at " + vel + " it/s) ")
[docs]def cpu_system(): """Number of CPU of system.""" try: n_cpu_system = cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: n_cpu_system = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
return 1 if n_cpu_system == 0 or n_cpu_system is None else n_cpu_system
[docs]def optimization(bounds, discrete=None): """Perform a discret or a continuous/discrete optimization. If a variable is discrete, the decorator allows to find the optimum by doing an optimization per discrete value and then returns the optimum. :param array_like bounds: bounds for optimization ([min, max], n_features). :param int discrete: index of the discrete variable. """ def optimize(fun): """Compute several optimizations.""" def combinatory_optimization(i, bounds=bounds, discrete=discrete): """One optimization. :param int i: index of the optimization plan. :param array_like bounds: bounds for optimization ([min, max], n_features). :param int discrete: index of the discrete variable. :returns: min_x, min_fun. :rtype: floats. """ bounds[discrete] = [i, i] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): results = differential_evolution(fun, bounds) min_x = results.x min_fun = return min_x, min_fun def wrapper_fun_obj(): """Two behaviour depending on discrete.""" if discrete is not None: start = int(np.ceil(bounds[discrete, 0])) end = int(np.ceil(bounds[discrete, 1])) discrete_range = range(start, end) if end > start else [start] pool = NestedPool(cpu_system()) results = pool.imap(combinatory_optimization, discrete_range) # Gather results results = list(results) pool.terminate() min_x, min_fun = zip(*results) # Find best results min_idx = np.argmin(min_fun) min_fun = min_fun[min_idx] min_x = min_x[min_idx] else: results = differential_evolution(fun, bounds) min_x = results.x min_fun = return min_x, min_fun return wrapper_fun_obj
return optimize