Source code for batman.pod.pod

# coding: utf8
POD Class

Defines the methods to compute the POD.



    >> from pod import Pod
    >> pod = Pod(tol, max, coners)
    >> pod.decompose(snapshots)
    >> pod.write(path)
    >> pod.estimate_quality()

[1] M. Brand: Fast low-rank modifications of the thin singular value decomposition.
2006. DOI:10.1016/j.laa.2005.07.021

[2] T. Braconnier: Towards an adaptive POD/SVD surrogate model for aeronautic design.
Computers & Fluids. 2011. DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2010.09.002

import logging
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from ..surrogate import SurrogateModel
from ..misc import ProgressBar, NestedPool, cpu_system
from import Space

[docs]class Pod(object): """POD class.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Directory structure to store a pod directories = { 'mean_snapshot': 'Mean.txt', 'modes': 'Mods.npz', } # File name for storing the MPI independent POD data pod_file_name = 'pod.npz' # File name for storing the points points_file_name = 'points.dat'
[docs] def __init__(self, corners, nsample, tolerance, dim_max, nrefine=0): """Initialize POD components. The decomposition of the snapshot matrix is stored as attributes: - U: Singular vectors matrix, array_like (n_features, n_snapshots), after filtering array_like(n_features, n_modes), - S: Singular values matrix, array_like (n_modes, n_snapshots), only the diagonal is stored, of length (n_modes), - V: array_like(n_snapshots, n_snapshots), after filtering (n_snapshots, n_modes). :param array_like corners: hypercube ([min, n_features], [max, n_features]). :param int/array_like sample: number of sample or list of sample of shape (n_samples, n_features). :param int nrefine: number of point to use for refinement. :param float tolerance: basis modes filtering criteria. :param int dim_max: number of basis modes to keep. """ self.quality = None self.predictor = None self.leave_one_out_predictor = 'kriging' self.corners = corners = Space(self.corners, nsample, nrefine) # POD computation related self.tolerance = tolerance self.dim_max = dim_max self.mean_snapshot = None self.U = None self.S = None
self.V = None def __str__(self): """POD summary.""" s = ("\nPOD summary:\n" "modes filtering tolerance: {}\n" "dimension of parameter space: {}\n" "number of snapshots: {}\n" "number of data per snapshot: {}\n" "maximum number of modes: {}\n" "number of modes: {}\n" "modes: {}\n" .format(self.tolerance,, len(, self.mean_snapshot.shape[0], self.dim_max, self.S.shape[0], self.S)) return s
[docs] def decompose(self, snapshots): """Create a POD from a set of snapshots. :param lst(array) snapshots: snapshots matrix. """'Decomposing POD basis...') matrix = np.column_stack(tuple([ for s in snapshots])) self._decompose(matrix) for s in snapshots: += s.point'Computed POD basis with %g modes', self.S.shape[0])
[docs] def update(self, snapshot): """Update POD with a new snapshot. :param snapshot: new snapshot to update the POD with. """'Updating POD basis...') self._update( += snapshot.point'Updated POD basis with snapshot at point {}'
[docs] def estimate_quality(self): """Quality estimator. Estimate the quality of the POD by the leave-one-out method. :return: Q2. :rtype: float. """'Estimating POD quality...') # Get rid of predictor creation messages level_init = copy.copy(self.logger.getEffectiveLevel()) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) quality, point = self._estimate_quality( logging.getLogger().setLevel(level_init) self.quality = quality'POD quality: {}, max error location at {}' .format(quality, point))
return self.quality, point
[docs] def write(self, path): """Save a POD to disk. :param str path: path to a directory. """ # create output directory if necessary try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass # points, self.points_file_name)) # mean snapshot path_snapshot = os.path.join(path, self.directories['mean_snapshot']) np.savetxt(path_snapshot, self.mean_snapshot) # basis points = np.vstack(tuple( np.savez(os.path.join(path, self.pod_file_name), parameters=points, values=self.S, vectors=self.V, modes=self.U)'Wrote POD to %s', path)
[docs] def read(self, path): """Read a POD from disk. :param str path: path to a directory. """ # points, self.points_file_name)) # mean snapshot path_snapshot = os.path.join(path, self.directories['mean_snapshot']) self.mean_snapshot = np.atleast_1d(np.loadtxt(path_snapshot)) # basis lazy_data = np.load(os.path.join(path, self.pod_file_name)) self.S = lazy_data['values'] self.V = lazy_data['vectors'] self.U = lazy_data['modes']'Read POD from %s', path)
[docs] def VS(self): """Compute V*S matrix product. S is diagonal and stored as vector thus (V*S).T = SV.T """
return self.V * self.S def _decompose(self, snapshots): """Perform the POD. The snapshot matrix consists in snapshots arranged in column. Snapshots are centered with the mean snapshot then the matrix is decomposed using a reduce SVD from numpy. `S` is not stored as the conjugate but as `S`. :param array_like snapshots: Snapshot matrix (nb of data per snapshot, nb of samples) """ # compute mean snapshot self.mean_snapshot = np.average(snapshots, 1) # center snapshots for i in range(snapshots.shape[1]): snapshots[:, i] -= self.mean_snapshot self.U, self.S, self.V = np.linalg.svd(snapshots, full_matrices=False) self.V = self.V.T self.U, self.S, self.V = self.filtering(self.U, self.S, self.V, self.tolerance, self.dim_max)
[docs] @staticmethod def filtering(U, S, V, tolerance, dim_max): """Remove lowest modes in U, S and V. :param array_like U: (nb of data, nb of snapshots). :param array_like S: (nb of modes). :param array_like V: (nb of snapshots, nb of snapshots). :param float tolerance: basis modes filtering criteria. :param int dim_max: number of basis modes to keep. :return: U (nb of data, nb of modes). :rtype: array_like. :return: S (nb of modes). :rtype: array_like. :return: V (nb of snapshots, nb of modes). :rtype: array_like. """ total_sum = np.sum(S) for i in range(S.shape[0]): dim = i+1 with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): if np.sum(S[:i + 1]) / total_sum > tolerance: break dim = min(dim, dim_max) # copy ensures an array is not a slice of a bigger memory zone if U.shape[1] != dim: U = U[:, :dim].copy() if S.shape[0] != dim: S = S[:dim].copy() if V.shape[1] != dim: V = V[:, :dim].copy()
return U, S, V def _update(self, snapshot): """Update POD with a new snapshot. :param array_like snapshot: a snapshot, (n_features,). """ if self.mean_snapshot is None: # start off with a mode that will be thrown away # by filtering: 0. singular value self.mean_snapshot = snapshot self.U = np.zeros([snapshot.shape[0], 1]) self.U[0, 0] = 1. self.S = np.zeros([1]) self.V = np.ones([1, 1]) else: # backup and update mean snapshot mean_snapshot_copy = self.mean_snapshot.copy() s_nb = self.V.shape[0] self.mean_snapshot = (s_nb * self.mean_snapshot + snapshot)\ / (s_nb + 1) # move to POD origin and project the snapshot on the POD basis snapshot -= mean_snapshot_copy s_proj =, snapshot) # mpi.Allreduce(sendbuf=s_proj.copy(), recvbuf=s_proj, op=mpi.sum) h = snapshot -, s_proj) h_norm = np.linalg.norm(h) h_norm *= h_norm h_norm = np.sum(h_norm) # h_norm = mpi.allreduce(h_norm, op=mpi.sum) h_norm = np.sqrt(h_norm) # St = |S U^T s_proj| # |0 norm(h)| self.S = np.column_stack([np.diag(self.S), s_proj]) self.S = np.vstack([self.S, np.zeros_like(self.S[0])]) self.S[-1, -1] = h_norm # Ut = |U q/norm(q)| if h_norm == 0.: h_norm = 1. # fix for h = 0 self.U = np.column_stack([self.U, h / h_norm]) # Vt = |V 0| # |0 1| self.V = np.vstack([self.V, np.zeros_like(self.V[0])]) self.V = np.column_stack([self.V, np.zeros_like(self.V[:, 0])]) self.V[-1, -1] = 1. Ud, self.S, Vd_T = np.linalg.svd(self.S) self.V =, Vd_T.T) Un, self.S, self.V = self.downgrade(self.S, self.V) self.U =,, Un)) self.U, self.S, self.V = self.filtering(self.U, self.S, self.V, self.tolerance, self.dim_max)
[docs] @staticmethod def downgrade(S, Vt): r"""Downgrade by removing the kth row of V. .. math:: S^{-k} &= U\Sigma R^T Q^T\\ S^{-k} &= UU'\Sigma'V'^TQ^T \\ S^{-k} &= U^{-k}\Sigma'V^{(-k)^T} :param S: Singular vector, array_like (n_modes,). :param Vt: V.T without one row, array_like (n_snapshots - 1, n_modes). :return: U', S', V(-k).T :rtype: array_like. """ v = np.average(Vt, 0) for row in Vt: row -= v Q, R = np.linalg.qr(Vt) R = (S * R).T Urot, S, V = np.linalg.svd(R, full_matrices=False) V =, V.T)
return Urot, S, V def _estimate_quality(self, points): r"""Quality estimation of the model. The quality estimation is done using the leave-one-out method. A parallel computation is performed by iterating over the points of the DOE. Q2 is computed and the point with max MSE is looked up. A multithreading strategy is used: 1. Create a N threads with :math:`N=\frac{n_{cpu}}{n_{restart} \times n_{modes}}`, 2. If :math:`N > n_{cpu}` restrict the threads to 1. :param lst points: Points in the parameter space. :return: Q2 error. :rtype: float. :return: Max MSE point. :rtype: array_like (n_features,). """ points_nb = len(points) data_len = self.U.shape[0] error_l_two = np.empty(points_nb) snapshot_value = np.empty((points_nb, data_len)) error_matrix = np.empty((points_nb, data_len)) var_matrix = np.empty((points_nb, data_len)) surrogate = SurrogateModel(self.leave_one_out_predictor, self.corners) def quality(i): """Error at a point. :param int i: point iterator. :return: mean and error. :rtype: array_like. """ # Remove point from matrix V_1 = np.delete(self.V, i, 0) (Urot, S_1, V_1) = self.downgrade(self.S, V_1) (Urot, S_1, V_1) = self.filtering(Urot, S_1, V_1, 1., len(self.S)) points_1 = points[:] points_1.pop(i) new_pod = copy.deepcopy(self) = points_1 new_pod.V = V_1 new_pod.S = S_1 # New prediction with points_nb - 1, new_pod.V * new_pod.S) prediction, _ = surrogate(points[i]) # MSE on the missing point error_no_mod =, prediction[0]) - float(points_nb) /\ float(points_nb - 1) * self.V[i] * self.S error_vector_ =, error_no_mod) error_l_two_ = np.sqrt(np.sum(error_no_mod ** 2)) # Because V = V.T -> V[i] is a column so V[i]S = SV.T snapshot_value_ =, self.V[i] * self.S) return snapshot_value_, error_l_two_, error_vector_ # Multi-threading strategy n_cpu_system = cpu_system() n_cpu = n_cpu_system // (len(self.S) * 3) if n_cpu < 1: n_cpu = 1 elif n_cpu > points_nb: n_cpu = points_nb pool = NestedPool(n_cpu) progress = ProgressBar(points_nb) results = pool.imap(quality, range(points_nb)) for i in range(points_nb): snapshot_value[i], error_l_two[i], error_matrix[i] = progress() pool.terminate() mean = np.mean(snapshot_value, axis=0) for i in range(points_nb): var_matrix[i] = (mean -, self.V[i] * self.S)) ** 2 # Compute Q2 # Use a part of the code of the r2_score function # From scikit-learn library numerator = (error_matrix ** 2).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64) denominator = np.sum(var_matrix, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) nonzero_denominator = denominator != 0 nonzero_numerator = numerator != 0 valid_score = nonzero_denominator & nonzero_numerator output_scores = np.ones([data_len]) output_scores[valid_score] = 1 - (numerator[valid_score] / denominator[valid_score]) # arbitrary set to zero to avoid -inf scores, having a constant # y_true is not interesting for scoring a regression anyway output_scores[nonzero_numerator & ~nonzero_denominator] = 0. q2 = output_scores index = error_l_two.argmax() err_q2 = np.mean(q2)
return err_q2, points[index]