Source code for

Space module

from .space import Space
from .sampling import Doe
from .point import Point
from .refiner import Refiner

__all__ = ["Space", "Doe", "Point", "Refiner", "dists_to_ot"]

[docs]def dists_to_ot(dists): """Convert distributions to openTURNS. The list of distribution is converted to openTURNS objects. :Example: :: >> from import dists_to_ot >> dists = dists_to_ot(['Uniform(12, 15)', 'Normal(400, 10)']) :param list(str) dists: Distributions available in openTURNS. :return: List of openTURNS distributions. :rtype: list(:class:`openturns.Distribution`) """ try: dists = [eval('ot.' + dist, {'__builtins__': None}, {'ot': __import__('openturns')}) for dist in dists] except (TypeError, AttributeError): raise AttributeError('OpenTURNS distribution unknown.')
return dists