Source code for batman.surrogate.sk_interface

# coding: utf8
SklearnRegressor Class

Interpolation using regressors from Scikit-Learn.



    >> from batman.surrogate import SklearnRegressor
    >> import numpy as np
    >> sample = np.array([[2, 4], [3, 5], [6, 9]])
    >> data = np.array([[12, 1], [10, 2], [9, 4]])
    >> regressor = 'RandomForestRegressor()'
    >> predictor = SklearnRegressor(sample, data, regressor)
    >> point = (5.0, 8.0)
    >> predictor.evaluate(point)
    array([9.7, 2.9])

import logging
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..misc import (NestedPool, cpu_system)
from ..functions.utils import multi_eval

[docs]class SklearnRegressor(object): """Interface to Scikit-learn regressors.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __init__(self, sample, data, regressor): r"""Create the predictor. Uses sample and data to construct a predictor using sklearn. Input is to be normalized before and depending on the number of parameters, the kernel is adapted to be anisotropic. :param array_like sample: Sample used to generate the data (n_samples, n_features). :param array_like data: Observed data (n_samples, n_features). :param regressor: Scikit-Learn regressor. :type regressor: Either regressor object or str(:mod:`sklearn.ensemble`.Regressor) """ try: sample[0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): pass else: sample = np.array(sample).reshape(len(sample), -1) self.model_len = data.shape[1] if self.model_len == 1: data = data.ravel() # Define the CPU multi-threading/processing strategy n_cpu_system = cpu_system() self.n_cpu = n_cpu_system if n_cpu_system // (self.model_len) < 1 else\ self.model_len self.n_cpu = 1 if self.n_cpu == 0 else self.n_cpu try: # Regressor is already a sklearn object self.logger.debug('Regressor info:\n{}'.format(regressor.get_params)) except AttributeError: # Instanciate regressor from str try: regressor = eval('ske.' + regressor, {'__builtins__': None}, {'ske': __import__('sklearn').ensemble}) except (TypeError, AttributeError): raise AttributeError('Regressor unknown from sklearn.') self.logger.debug('Regressor info:\n{}'.format(regressor.get_params)) def model_fitting(column): """Fit an instance of :class:`sklearn.ensemble`.Regressor.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") data =, column) return data # Create a predictor per data, parallelize if several data if self.model_len > 1: pool = NestedPool(self.n_cpu) results = pool.imap(model_fitting, data.T) self.regressor = list(results) pool.terminate() else:
self.regressor = [model_fitting(data)] @multi_eval def evaluate(self, point): """Make a prediction. From a point, make a new prediction. :param array_like point: The point to evaluate (n_features,). :return: The predictions. :rtype: array_like (n_features,). """ point_array = np.asarray(point).reshape(1, -1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # Compute a prediction per predictor prediction = [reg.predict(point_array) for reg in self.regressor]
return np.array(prediction)