Source code for batman.surrogate.surrogate_model

# coding: utf8
SurrogateModel Class

This class manages snapshot prediction.
It allows the creation of a surrogate model and making predictions.



    >> from surrogate_model import SurrogateModel
    >> method = "kriging"
    >> predictor = SurrogateModel(method, space.corners)
    >>, target_space)
    >> points = [(12.5, 56.8), (2.2, 5.3)]
    >> predictions = predictor(points)


import os
import copy
import logging
import dill as pickle
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from .kriging import Kriging
from .sk_interface import SklearnRegressor
from .polynomial_chaos import PC
from .RBFnet import RBFnet
from .multifidelity import Evofusion
from import Space
from ..misc import (ProgressBar, NestedPool, cpu_system)

[docs]class SurrogateModel(object): """Surrogate model.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __init__(self, kind, corners, **kwargs): r"""Init Surrogate model. :param str kind: name of prediction method, rbf or kriging. :param array_like corners: hypercube ([min, n_features], [max, n_features]). :param \**kwargs: See below :Keyword Arguments: For Polynomial Chaos the following keywords are available - **strategy** (str) -- Least square or Quadrature ['LS', 'Quad']. - **degree** (int) -- Polynomial degree. - **distributions** (lst(:class:`openturns.Distribution`)) -- Distributions of each input parameter. - **n_samples** (int) -- Number of samples for least square. For Kriging the following keywords are available - **kernel** (:class:`sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels`.*) -- Kernel. - **noise** (float/bool) -- noise level. """ self.kind = kind self.scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() = Space(corners) = None self.pod = None self.update = False # switch: update model if POD update self.dir = { 'surrogate': 'surrogate.dat', 'space': 'space.dat', 'data': 'data.dat', } self.settings = kwargs if self.kind == 'pc': self.predictor = PC(**self.settings) elif self.kind == 'evofusion': = [self.settings['cost_ratio'],
[docs] def fit(self, sample, data, pod=None): """Construct the surrogate. :param array_like sample: sample of the sample (n_samples, n_features). :param array_like data: function evaluations (n_samples, n_features). :param pod: POD instance. :type pod: :class:`batman.pod.Pod`. """ = data sample = np.array(sample) try: sample_scaled = self.scaler.transform(sample) except ValueError: # With multifidelity sample_scaled = self.scaler.transform(sample[:, 1:]) sample_scaled = np.hstack((sample[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), sample_scaled)) # predictor object'Creating predictor of kind {}...'.format(self.kind)) if self.kind == 'rbf': self.predictor = RBFnet(sample_scaled, data) elif self.kind == 'kriging': self.predictor = Kriging(sample_scaled, data, **self.settings) elif self.kind == 'pc':, data) elif self.kind == 'evofusion': self.predictor = Evofusion(sample_scaled, data) else: self.predictor = SklearnRegressor(sample_scaled, data, self.kind) self.pod = pod += sample = len(sample)'Predictor created')
self.update = False
[docs] def __call__(self, points): """Predict snapshots. :param points: point(s) to predict. :type points: :class:`` or array_like (n_samples, n_features). :param str path: if not set, will return a list of predicted snapshots instances, otherwise write them to disk. :return: Result. :rtype: array_like (n_samples, n_features). :return: Standard deviation. :rtype: array_like (n_samples, n_features). """ if self.update: # pod has changed: update predictor, self.pod.VS()) try: points[0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): points = [points] points = np.array(points) if self.kind != 'pc': points = self.scaler.transform(points) if self.kind in ['kriging', 'evofusion']: results, sigma = self.predictor.evaluate(points) else: results = self.predictor.evaluate(points) sigma = None results = np.atleast_2d(results) if self.pod is not None: pred = np.empty((len(results), len(self.pod.mean_snapshot))) for i, s in enumerate(results): pred[i] = self.pod.mean_snapshot +, s) results = np.atleast_2d(pred)
return results, sigma
[docs] def estimate_quality(self, method='LOO'): """Estimate quality of the model. :param str method: method to compute quality ['LOO', 'ValidationSet']. :return: Q2 error. :rtype: float. :return: Max MSE point. :rtype: lst(float). """ if self.pod is not None: return self.pod.estimate_quality()'Estimating Surrogate quality...') # Get rid of predictor creation messages level_init = copy.copy(self.logger.getEffectiveLevel()) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) loo = LeaveOneOut() loo_split = list(loo.split([:])) points_nb = len( # Multi-threading strategy n_cpu_system = cpu_system() n_cpu = n_cpu_system // 3 if n_cpu < 1: n_cpu = 1 elif n_cpu > points_nb: n_cpu = points_nb train_pred = copy.deepcopy(self) sample = np.array( def loo_quality(iteration): """Error at a point. :param int iteration: point iterator. :return: prediction. :rtype: array_like of shape (n_points, n_features). """ train, test = loo_split[iteration][train],[train]) pred, _ = train_pred(sample[test]) return pred pool = NestedPool(n_cpu) progress = ProgressBar(points_nb) results = pool.imap(loo_quality, range(points_nb)) y_pred = np.empty_like( for i in range(points_nb): y_pred[i] = progress() pool.terminate() q2_loo = r2_score(, y_pred) index = (( - y_pred) ** 2).sum(axis=1).argmax() logging.getLogger().setLevel(level_init) point =[index]'Surrogate quality: {}, max error location at {}' .format(q2_loo, point))
return q2_loo, point
[docs] def write(self, fname): """Save model, data and space to disk. :param str fname: path to a directory. """ path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['surrogate']) with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickler = pickle.Pickler(f) pickler.dump(self.predictor) self.logger.debug('Model wrote to {}'.format(path)) path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['space']) path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['data']) with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickler = pickle.Pickler(f) pickler.dump( self.logger.debug('Data wrote to {}'.format(path))'Model, data and space wrote.')
[docs] def read(self, fname): """Load model, data and space from disk. :param str fname: path to a directory. """ path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['surrogate']) with open(path, 'rb') as f: unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(f) self.predictor = unpickler.load() self.logger.debug('Model read from {}'.format(path)) path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['space']) path = os.path.join(fname, self.dir['data']) with open(path, 'rb') as f: unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(f) = unpickler.load() self.logger.debug('Data read from {}'.format(path))'Model, data and space loaded.')