Source code for batman.tasks.provider_plugin

# coding: utf-8
This module defines a specialized Provider class.

The ProviderPlugin class handles jobs that consist in
executing a python function from user-provided plugin.
import logging
import importlib
import sys
import os
from .snapshot import Snapshot

[docs]class ProviderPlugin(object): """A Provider that build snapshost whose data come from a python function.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __init__(self, executor, io_manager, plug_settings): """Initialize the provider. :param executor: a task pool executor. :param io_manager: defines snapshots as files. :param plug_settings: specify how to load a plugin with the following: - **module** (str): python module to load. - **function** (str): function in `module` to execute when a snapshot is required. :type executor: :class:`concurrent.futures.Executor` :type io_manager: :class:`SnapshotIO` :type plug_settings: dict """ sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('.')) plugin = importlib.import_module(plug_settings['module']) self._function = getattr(plugin, plug_settings['function']) self._executor = executor
self._io = io_manager @property def known_points(self): """Dictionnary binding known snapshots with their location.""" return {} # never remember a snapshot
[docs] def snapshot(self, point, *ignored): """Snapshot bound to an asynchronous job. It execute the provided plugin function. :param point: the point in parameter space at which to provide a snapshot. :type point: :class:`` :return: A Snapshot. :rtype: :class:`Snapshot` """ self.logger.debug('Request snapshot for point {}'.format(point))
return Snapshot(point, self._executor.submit(self._function, point))