Source code for batman.visualization.hdr

High Density Region Boxplot
import logging
from itertools import compress
    import copyreg
except ImportError:
    import copy_reg as copyreg
import types
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from import wavfile
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
import matplotlib.animation as manimation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import batman as bat
from .uncertainty import kernel_smoothing
from .doe import doe


def _pickle_method(m):
    """Handle pickling issues with class instance."""
    if m.im_self is None:
        return getattr, (m.im_class, m.im_func.func_name)

    return getattr, (m.im_self, m.im_func.func_name)

copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _pickle_method)

[docs]class HdrBoxplot: """High Density Region boxplot. From a given dataset, it computes the HDR-boxplot. Results are accessibles directly through class attributes: - :attr:`median` : median curve, - :attr:`outliers` : outliers regarding a given threshold, - :attr:`hdr_90` : 90% quantile band, - :attr:`extra_quantiles` : other quantile bands, - :attr:`hdr_50` : 50% quantile band. The following methods are for convenience: - :func:`HdrBoxplot.plot` - :func:`HdrBoxplot.f_hops` - :func:`HdrBoxplot.sound` :Example: :: >> hdr = HdrBoxplot(data) >> hdr.plot() >> hdr.f_hops(generate=10) >> hdr.sound() """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __init__(self, data, variance=0.8, alpha=None, threshold=0.95, outliers_method='kde', optimize=False): """Compute HDR Boxplot on :attr:`data`. 1. Compute a 2D kernel smoothing with a Gaussian kernel, 2. Compute contour lines for quantiles 90, 50 and :attr:`alpha`, 3. Compute mediane curve along with quantiles regions and outlier curves. :param array_like data: dataset (n_samples, n_features). :param float variance: percentage of total variance to conserve. :param array_like alpha: extra quantile values (n_alpha). :param float threshold: threshold for outliers. :param str outliers_method: detection method ['kde', 'forest']. :param bool optimize: bandwidth global optimization or grid search. :param int n_contours: discretization to compute contour. """ = np.asarray(data) self.threshold = threshold self.outliers_method = outliers_method self.optimize = optimize self.n_samples, self.dim ='Dataset with:\n-> {} samples\n-> {} features' .format(self.n_samples, self.dim)) # PCA and bivariate plot self.pca = PCA(n_components=variance, svd_solver='full') self.data_r = self.pca.fit_transform( self.n_components = len(self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_)'Explained variance ratio: {} -> {:0.3f}' .format(self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_, np.sum(self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_))) # Create gaussian kernel self.ks_gaussian = kernel_smoothing(self.data_r, self.optimize) # Boundaries of the n-variate space self.bounds = np.array([self.data_r.min(axis=0), self.data_r.max(axis=0)]).T # Create list of quantile values if alpha is None: alpha = [threshold, 0.9, 0.5] else: alpha.extend([threshold, 0.9, 0.5]) alpha = list(set(alpha)) alpha.sort(reverse=True) self.alpha = alpha self.logger.debug('alpha: {}'.format(self.alpha)) self.n_alpha = len(self.alpha) # Compute PDF values associated to each quantile self.pdf_r = np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(self.data_r)).flatten() self.pvalues = np.array([np.percentile(self.pdf_r, (1 - self.alpha[i]) * 100, interpolation='linear') for i in range(self.n_alpha)]) self.logger.debug('pvalues: {}'.format(self.pvalues)) def pdf(x): """Compute -PDF given components.""" return - np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(x.reshape(1, -1))) # Find mean, quantiles and outliers curves median = differential_evolution(pdf, bounds=self.bounds, maxiter=5).x self.outliers = self.find_outliers(, samples=self.pdf_r, method=self.outliers_method, threshold=self.threshold) extra_alpha = [i for i in self.alpha if i != 0.5 and i != 0.9 and i != threshold] if extra_alpha != []: self.extra_quantiles = [y for x in extra_alpha for y in self.band_quantiles([x])] else: self.extra_quantiles = [] # Inverse transform from n-variate plot to original dataset's shape self.median = self.pca.inverse_transform(median) self.hdr_90 = self.band_quantiles([0.9, 0.5])
self.hdr_50 = self.band_quantiles([0.5])
[docs] def band_quantiles(self, band): """Find extreme curves for a quantile band. From the :attr:`band` of quantiles, the associated PDF extrema values are computed. If `min_alpha` is not provided (single quantile value), `max_pdf` is set to `1E6` in order not to constrain the problem on high values. An optimization is performed per component in order to find the min and max curves. This is done by comparing the PDF value of a given curve with the band PDF. :param array_like band: alpha values `[max_alpha, min_alpha]` ex: [0.9, 0.5]. :return: `[max_quantile, min_quantile]` (2, n_features). :rtype: list(array_like). """ min_pdf = self.pvalues[self.alpha.index(band[0])] try: max_pdf = self.pvalues[self.alpha.index(band[1])] except IndexError: max_pdf = 1E6 = [min_pdf, max_pdf] pool = Pool() band_quantiles =, range(self.dim)) pool.terminate() pool.close() band_quantiles = list(zip(*band_quantiles))
return band_quantiles def _curve_constrain(self, x, idx, sign): """Find out if the curve is within the band. The curve value at :attr:`idx` for a given PDF is only returned if within bounds defined by the band. Otherwise, 1E6 is returned. :param float x: curve in reduced space. :param int idx: index value of the components to compute. :param int sign: return positive or negative value. :return: Curve value at :attr:`idx`. :rtype: float. """ x = x.reshape(1, -1) pdf = np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(x)) if[0] < pdf <[1]: value = sign * self.pca.inverse_transform(x)[0][idx] else: value = 1E6 return value def _min_max_band(self, idx): """Min an max values at :attr:`idx`. Global optimization to find the extrema per component. :param int idx: curve index. :returns: [max, min] curve values at :attr:`idx`. :rtype: tuple(float) """ max_ = differential_evolution(self._curve_constrain, bounds=self.bounds, args=(idx, -1), maxiter=7) min_ = differential_evolution(self._curve_constrain, bounds=self.bounds, args=(idx, 1), maxiter=7) return (self.pca.inverse_transform(max_.x)[idx], self.pca.inverse_transform(min_.x)[idx])
[docs] def find_outliers(self, data, samples, method='kde', threshold=0.95): """Detect outliers. The *Isolation forrest* method requires additional computations to find the centroide. This operation is only performed once and stored in :attr:`self.detector`. Thus calling, several times the method will not cause any overhead. :param array_like data: data from which to extract outliers (n_samples, n_features). :param array_like samples: samples values to examine (n_samples, n_features/n_components). :param str method: detection method ['kde', 'forest']. :param float threshold: detection sensitivity. :return: Outliers. :rtype: array_like (n_outliers, n_features) """ if method == 'kde': outliers = np.where(samples < self.pvalues[self.alpha.index(threshold)]) outliers = data[outliers] elif method == 'forest': try: try: data_r = self.pca.transform(data) except ValueError: data_r = data outliers = np.where(self.detector.predict(data_r) == -1) except AttributeError: forrest = IsolationForest(contamination=(1 - threshold), n_jobs=-1) self.detector = outliers = np.where(self.detector.predict(data_r) == -1) outliers = data[outliers] else: self.logger.error('Unknown outlier method: no detection') outliers = None
return outliers
[docs] def plot(self, samples=None, fname=None, x_common=None, labels=None, xlabel='t', flabel='F'): """Functional plot and n-variate space. If :attr:`self.n_components` is 2, an additional contour plot is done. If :attr:`samples` is `None`, the dataset is used for all plots ; otherwize the given sample is used. :param array_like: samples to plot (n_samples, n_features). :param str fname: wether to export to filename or display the figures. :param array_like x_common: abscissa (1, n_features). :param list(str) labels: labels for each curve. :param str xlabel: label for x axis. :param str flabel: label for y axis. :returns: figures and all axis. :rtype: Matplotlib figure instances, Matplotlib AxesSubplot instances. """ figures, axs = [], [] if samples is None: data = data_r = self.data_r n_samples = self.n_samples elif isinstance(samples, int): data_r = self.ks_gaussian.sample(n_samples=samples) data = self.pca.inverse_transform(data_r) n_samples = len(data) else: data = samples data_r = self.pca.transform(data) n_samples = len(data) if self.n_components == 2: n_contours = 50 grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self.bounds[0, 0], self.bounds[0, 1], n_contours), np.linspace(self.bounds[1, 0], self.bounds[1, 1], n_contours)) xgrid, ygrid = grid stack = np.dstack(grid).reshape(-1, self.n_components) pdf = np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(stack)).flatten() # 2D Kernel Smoothing with Gaussian kernel fig, ax = plt.subplots() figures.append(fig) axs.append(ax) contour = plt.contour(xgrid, ygrid, pdf.reshape((n_contours, n_contours)), self.pvalues) # Labels: probability instead of density fmt = {} for i in range(self.n_alpha): lev = contour.levels[i] fmt[lev] = "%.0f %%" % (self.alpha[i] * 100) plt.clabel(contour, contour.levels, inline=True, fontsize=10, fmt=fmt) plt.tight_layout() # Bivariate space fig, sub_ax = doe(data_r, plabels=[str(i + 1) for i in range(self.n_components)]) figures.append(fig) axs.append(sub_ax) # Time serie fig, ax = plt.subplots() figures.append(fig) axs.append(ax) if x_common is None: x_common = np.linspace(0, 1, self.dim) plt.plot(np.array([x_common] * n_samples).T, data.T, c='c', alpha=.1, label='dataset') plt.plot(x_common, self.median, c='k', label='Median') plt.fill_between(x_common, *self.hdr_50, color='gray', alpha=.4, label='50% HDR') plt.fill_between(x_common, *self.hdr_90, color='gray', alpha=.3, label='90% HDR') if len(self.extra_quantiles) != 0: plt.plot(np.array([x_common] * len(self.extra_quantiles)).T, np.array(self.extra_quantiles).T, c='y', ls='-.', alpha=.4, label='Extra quantiles') if len(self.outliers) != 0: if labels is not None: labels_pos = np.all(np.isin(, self.outliers), axis=1) labels = list(compress(labels, labels_pos)) for ii, outlier in enumerate(self.outliers): label = str(labels[ii]) if labels is not None else 'Outliers' plt.plot(x_common, outlier, ls='--', alpha=0.7, label=label) else: self.logger.debug('It seems that there are no outliers...') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(flabel) handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) plt.legend(list(by_label.values()), list(by_label.keys()), loc='best') bat.visualization.save_show(fname, figures)
return figures, axs
[docs] def f_hops(self, frame_rate=400, fname='f-HOPs.mp4', samples=None, x_common=None, labels=None, xlabel='t', flabel='F', offset=0.05): """Functional Hypothetical Outcome Plots. Each frame consists in a HDR boxplot and an additional outcome. If it is an outlier, it is rendered as red dashed line. If :attr:`samples` is `None` it will use the dataset, if an `int>0` it will samples *n* new samples ; and if `array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features)` it will use this. :param int frame_rate: time between two outcomes (in milliseconds). :param str fname: export movie to filename. :param False, int, list samples: Data selector. :param array_like x_common: abscissa. :param list(str) labels: labels for each curve. :param str xlabel: label for x axis. :param str flabel: label for y axis. :param float offset: Margin around the extreme values of the plot. """ movie_writer = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = {'title': 'f-HOPs', 'artist': 'batman', 'comment': "Functional Hypothetical Outcome Plots at {} ms" .format(frame_rate)} writer = movie_writer(fps=1000.0 / frame_rate, metadata=metadata) fig = plt.figure() if x_common is None: x_common = np.linspace(0, 1, self.dim) plt.fill_between(x_common, *self.hdr_50, color='gray', alpha=.4, label='50% HDR') plt.fill_between(x_common, *self.hdr_90, color='gray', alpha=.3, label='90% HDR') plt.plot(x_common, self.median, c='k', label='Median') y_min = min(self.hdr_90[1]) y_max = max(self.hdr_90[0]) plt.ylim(y_min - abs(y_min) * offset, y_max + abs(y_max) * offset) frame, = plt.plot([], [], c='c', ls='-') frame_outliers, = plt.plot([], [], c='r', ls='--') plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(flabel) if samples is None: data_r = self.data_r pdf_r = self.pdf_r data = elif isinstance(samples, int): data_r = self.ks_gaussian.sample(n_samples=samples) data = self.pca.inverse_transform(data_r) pdf_r = np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(data_r)) else: data = samples data_r = self.pca.transform(data) pdf_r = np.exp(self.ks_gaussian.score_samples(data_r)) with writer.saving(fig, fname, dpi=200): for i, (pdf, curve_r, curve) in enumerate(zip(pdf_r, data_r, data)): curve_r = np.atleast_2d(curve_r) outlier = self.find_outliers(data=curve_r, samples=pdf, method=self.outliers_method, threshold=self.threshold) if len(outlier) == 0: label = 'HOP: ' + str(labels[i]) \ if labels is not None else 'HOP' frame.set_data(x_common, curve) frame.set_label(label) frame_outliers.set_data([], []) frame_outliers.set_label(None) else: label = 'HOP Outlier: ' + str(labels[i]) \ if labels is not None else 'HOP Outlier' frame_outliers.set_data(x_common, curve) frame_outliers.set_label(label) frame.set_data([], []) frame.set_label(None) handles, labels_ = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels_, handles)) plt.legend(list(by_label.values()), list(by_label.keys()), loc='best')
[docs] def sound(self, frame_rate=400, tone_range=None, amplitude=1E3, distance=True, samples=False, fname='song-fHOPs.wav'): """Make sound from curves. Each curve is converted into a sum of tones. This sum is played during a given time before another serie starts. If :attr:`samples` is `False` it will use the dataset, if an `int>0` it will samples *n* new samples ; and if `array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features)` it will use this. :param int frame_rate: time between two outcomes (in milliseconds). :param list(int) tone_range: range of frequencies of a tone (in hertz). :param float amplitude: amplitude of the signal. :param bool distance: use distance from median for tone generation. :param False, int, list samples: Data selector. :param str fname: export sound to filename. """ tone_range = [50, 1000] if tone_range is None else tone_range duration = frame_rate / 1000.0 amp = amplitude rate = 44100 t = np.linspace(0.0, duration, duration * rate) def note(freq): """Generate a sinusoidal note. :param float freq: frequency to generate the note from. :return: note. :rtype: array_like shape (duration * rate,). """ data = np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * freq * t) * amp return data scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=tone_range) if isinstance(samples, bool): data = elif isinstance(samples, int): data = self.sample(samples) else: data = samples if distance: centroide = self.pca.transform(self.median.reshape(1, -1)) dists = cdist(centroide, self.pca.transform(data))[0] dists = scaler.fit_transform(dists.reshape(-1, 1)) song = [np.array(note(d)) for d in dists] else: data = scaler.fit_transform(data) song = [np.sum([note(tone) for tone in curve], axis=0) for curve in data] # two byte integers conversion wavfile.write(fname, rate,
[docs] def sample(self, samples): """Sample new curves from KDE. If :attr:`samples` is an `int>0`, *n* new curves are randomly sampled taking into account the joined PDF ; and if `array_like, shape (n_samples, n_components)` curves are sampled from reduce coordinates of the n-variate space. :param int, array_like samples: Data selector. :return: new curves. :rtype: array_like (n_samples, n_features). """ if isinstance(samples, int): data = self.ks_gaussian.sample(n_samples=samples) else: data = samples curves = self.pca.inverse_transform(data)
return curves