Source code for batman.visualization.uncertainty

Uncertainty visualization tools

It regoups various functions for graph visualizations.

* :func:`kernel_smoothing`,
* :func:`pdf`,
* :func:`sobol`,
* :func:`corr_cov`.
import os
import numpy as np
import openturns as ot
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import batman as bat
from ..input_output import formater

[docs]def kernel_smoothing(data, optimize=False): """Create gaussian kernel. The optimization option could lead to longer computation of the PDF. :param array_like data: output sample to draw a PDF from (n_samples, n_features). :param bool optimize: use global optimization of grid search. :return: gaussian kernel. :rtype: :class:`sklearn.neighbors.KernelDensity`. """ n_samples, dim = data.shape cv = n_samples if n_samples < 50 else 50 var = np.std(data, ddof=1) scott = n_samples ** (-1. / (dim + 4)) * var if optimize: def bw_score(bw): """Get the cross validation score for a given bandwidth.""" score = cross_val_score(KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw), data, cv=cv, n_jobs=-1) return - score.mean() bounds = [(0.1 * var, 5. * var)] results = differential_evolution(bw_score, bounds, maxiter=5) bw = results.x ks_gaussian = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw) else: silverman = (n_samples * (dim + 2) / 4.) ** (-1. / (dim + 4)) * var bandwidth = np.hstack([np.logspace(-1, 1.0, 10) * var, scott, silverman]) grid = GridSearchCV(KernelDensity(), {'bandwidth': bandwidth}, cv=cv, n_jobs=-1) # n-fold cross-validation ks_gaussian = grid.best_estimator_
return ks_gaussian
[docs]def pdf(data, xdata=None, xlabel=None, flabel=None, moments=False, ticks_nbr=10, range_cbar=None, fname=None): """Plot PDF in 1D or 2D. :param nd_array/dict data: array of shape (n_samples, n_features) or a dictionary with the following: - **bounds** (array_like) -- first line is mins and second line is maxs (2, n_features). - **model** (:class:`batman.surrogate.SurrogateModel`/str) -- path to the surrogate data. - **method** (str) -- surrogate model method. - **dist** (:class:`openturns.ComposedDistribution`) -- joint distribution. :param array_like xdata: 1D discretization of the function (n_features,). :param str xlabel: label of the discretization parameter. :param str flabel: name of the quantity of interest. :param bool moments: whether to plot moments along with PDF if dim > 1. :param int ticks_nbr: number of color isolines for response surfaces. :param array_like range_cbar: Minimum and maximum values for output function (2 values). :param str fname: whether to export to filename or display the figures. :returns: figure. :rtype: Matplotlib figure instances, Matplotlib AxesSubplot instances. """ xlabel = 'x' if xlabel is None else xlabel flabel = 'F' if flabel is None else flabel dx = 100 if isinstance(data, dict): try: f = bat.surrogate.SurrogateModel(data['method'], data['bounds'])['model']) except (AttributeError, TypeError): f = data['model'] sample = np.array(ot.LHSExperiment(data['dist'], 500).generate()) z_array, _ = f(sample) else: z_array = np.asarray(data) # Compute PDF output_len = z_array.shape[1] if output_len > 1: z_array = z_array[:199] # Reduce the number of sample to use pdf = [] ydata = [] for i in range(output_len): ks_gaussian = kernel_smoothing(z_array[:, i].reshape(-1, 1), False) xpdf = np.linspace(min(z_array[:, i]), max(z_array[:, i]), dx).reshape(-1, 1) pdf.append(np.exp(ks_gaussian.score_samples(xpdf))) ydata.append(xpdf.flatten()) pdf = np.array(pdf).T if xdata is None: xdata = np.linspace(0, 1, output_len) xdata = np.tile(xdata, dx).reshape(-1, output_len) ydata = np.array(ydata).T else: z_array = z_array.reshape(-1, 1) ks_gaussian = kernel_smoothing(z_array, True) xdata = np.linspace(min(z_array), max(z_array), dx).reshape(-1, 1) pdf = np.exp(ks_gaussian.score_samples(xdata)) # Get moments if moments: mean = np.mean(z_array, axis=0) sd = np.std(z_array, axis=0) sd_min = mean - sd sd_max = mean + sd min_ = np.min(z_array, axis=0) max_ = np.max(z_array, axis=0) # Plotting fig = plt.figure('PDF') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=26) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=26) if output_len > 1: if range_cbar is None: max_pdf = np.percentile(pdf, 97) if np.max(pdf) < 1 else 1 min_pdf = np.percentile(pdf, 3) if 0 < np.min(pdf) < max_pdf else 0 else: min_pdf, max_pdf = range_cbar ticks = np.linspace(min_pdf, max_pdf, num=ticks_nbr) bound_pdf = np.linspace(min_pdf, max_pdf, 50, endpoint=True) cax = ax.contourf(xdata, ydata, pdf, bound_pdf, cmap=cm.viridis, extend="max") cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, shrink=0.5, ticks=ticks) cbar.set_label(r"PDF") ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel(flabel, fontsize=26) if moments: ax.plot(xdata[0], sd_min, color='k', ls='-.', linewidth=2, label="Standard Deviation") ax.plot(xdata[0], mean, color='k', ls='-', linewidth=2, label="Mean") ax.plot(xdata[0], sd_max, color='k', ls='-.', linewidth=2, label=None) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left") else: ax.plot(xdata, pdf, color='k', ls='-', linewidth=3, label=None) ax.hist(z_array, 30, fc='gray', histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2, density=True) z_delta = np.max(pdf) * 5e-2 ax.plot(z_array[:199, 0], -z_delta - z_delta * np.random.random(z_array[:199].shape[0]), '+k', label=None) ax.set_xlabel(flabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel("PDF", fontsize=26) if fname is not None: # Write PDF to file xdata_flattened = xdata.flatten('C') pdf = pdf.flatten('F') names = ['output', 'PDF'] if output_len > 1: ydata = np.array(ydata).flatten('C') names = ['x'] + names data = np.array([xdata_flattened, ydata, pdf]) else: data = np.array([xdata_flattened, pdf]) io = formater('json') filename, _ = os.path.splitext(fname) io.write(filename + '.json', data, names) # Write moments to file if moments: data = np.array([min_, sd_min, mean, sd_max, max_]) names = ['Min', 'SD_min', 'Mean', 'SD_max', 'Max'] if output_len != 1: names = ['x'] + names data = np.append(xdata[0], data) io.write(filename + '-moment.json', data, names) bat.visualization.save_show(fname, [fig])
return fig
[docs]def sobol(sobols, conf=None, plabels=None, xdata=None, xlabel='x', fname=None): """Plot total Sobol' indices. If `len(sobols)>2` map indices are also plotted along with aggregated indices. :param array_like sobols: `[first (n_params), total (n_params), first (xdata, n_params), total (xdata, n_params)]`. :param float/array_like conf: relative error around indices. If float, same error is applied for all parameters. Otherwise shape ([min, n_features], [max, n_features]). :param list(str) plabels: parameters' names. :param array_like xdata: 1D discretization of the function (n_features,). :param str xlabel: label of the discretization parameter. :param str fname: wether to export to filename or display the figures. :returns: figure. :rtype: Matplotlib figure instances, Matplotlib AxesSubplot instances. """ p_len = len(sobols[0]) if plabels is None: plabels = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(p_len)] objects = [[r"$S_{" + p + r"}$", r"$S_{T_{" + p + r"}}$"] for i, p in enumerate(plabels)] color = [[cm.Pastel2(i), cm.Pastel2(i)] for i, p in enumerate(plabels)] s_lst = [item for sublist in objects for item in sublist] color = [item for sublist in color for item in sublist] y_pos = np.arange(2 * p_len) figures = [] fig = plt.figure('Aggregated Indices') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) figures.append(fig), np.array(sobols[:2]).flatten('F'), yerr=conf, align='center', alpha=0.5, color=color) ax.set_xticks(y_pos, s_lst) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) ax.set_ylabel("Sobol' aggregated indices", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel("Input parameters", fontsize=20) if len(sobols) > 2: n_xdata = len(sobols[3]) if xdata is None: xdata = np.linspace(0, 1, n_xdata) fig = plt.figure('Sensitivity Map') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) figures.append(fig) sobols = np.hstack(sobols[2:]).T s_lst = np.array(objects).T.flatten('C').tolist() for sobol, label in zip(sobols, s_lst): ax.plot(xdata, sobol, linewidth=3, label=label) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel(r"Indices", fontsize=26) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=23) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=23) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left") bat.visualization.save_show(fname, figures)
return figures
[docs]def corr_cov(data, sample, xdata, xlabel='x', plabels=None, interpolation=None, fname=None): """Correlation and covariance matrices. Compute the covariance regarding YY and XY as well as the correlation regarding YY. :param array_like data: function evaluations (n_samples, n_features). :param array_like sample: sample (n_samples, n_featrues). :param array_like xdata: 1D discretization of the function (n_features,). :param str xlabel: label of the discretization parameter. :param list(str) plabels: parameters' labels. :param str interpolation: If None, does not interpolate correlation and covariance matrices (YY). Otherwize use Matplotlib methods from `imshow` such as `['bilinear', 'lanczos', 'spline16', 'hermite', ...]`. :param str fname: wether to export to filename or display the figures. :returns: figure. :rtype: Matplotlib figure instances, Matplotlib AxesSubplot instances. """ p_len = np.asarray(sample).shape[1] data_len = np.asarray(data).shape[1] data = ot.Sample(data) corr_yy = np.array(data.computePearsonCorrelation()) cov_yy = np.array(data.computeCovariance()) cov_matrix_xy = - sample).T, np.mean(data, axis=0) - data) / (len(sample) - 1) x_2d_yy, y_2d_yy = np.meshgrid(xdata, xdata) x_2d_xy, y_2d_xy = np.meshgrid(xdata, np.arange(p_len)) c_map = cm.viridis figures, axs = [], [] # Covariance matrix YY fig, ax = plt.subplots() figures.append(fig) axs.append(ax) cax = ax.imshow(cov_yy, cmap=c_map, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) cbar.set_label(r"Covariance", size=26) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=23) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=23) # Correlation matrix YY fig, ax = plt.subplots() figures.append(fig) cax = ax.imshow(corr_yy, cmap=c_map, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) cbar.set_label(r"Correlation", size=26) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=23) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=23) if plabels is None: plabels = ['x' + str(i) for i in range(p_len + 1)] else: plabels.insert(0, 0) # Covariance matrix XY fig, ax = plt.subplots() figures.append(fig) axs.append(ax) cax = ax.imshow(cov_matrix_xy, cmap=c_map, interpolation='nearest') ax.set_yticklabels(plabels, fontsize=6) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) cbar.set_label(r"Covariance", size=26) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=26) ax.set_ylabel('Input parameters', fontsize=26) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=23) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=23) if fname is not None: data = np.append(x_2d_yy, [y_2d_yy, corr_yy, cov_yy]) names = ['x', 'y', 'Correlation-YY', 'Covariance'] io = formater('json') io.write(fname.split('.')[0] + '-correlation_covariance.json', data, names) data = np.append(x_2d_xy, [y_2d_xy, cov_matrix_xy]) names = ['x', 'y', 'Correlation-XY'] io.write(fname.split('.')[0] + '-correlation_XY.dat', data, names) bat.visualization.save_show(fname, figures)
return figures, axs